Monday, March 21, 2011

023 Sue Ray Ali:Good Luck n Tahniah

i'm dedicating dis post specially to my childhood fren, Sue Ray Ali n mr. husband Pie Jam.

aku start kawan ngan sue ray masa darjah 6. then we entered d same secondary skool. eventhough we parted mase form 4 as she join MRSM n i continued my journey at d prestigous CBN, we still kawan2 till today walaupun dah lame sgt x jumpe.

dah melalut aku ni. straight 2 d point lah.

GOOD LUCK my dear buddy for d upcoming viva. alhamdulillah, dah dekat dah to your MSc. yg diidam-idamkan. dah setel evrything nanti bolehlah buat makan2 utk aku n anod kat your new crib ya. xyah masak grand2 or we can ask anod utk tunjuk bakat die je. aku sumbang desert pun kire ok he3.

TAHNIAH pulak sbb bakal menerima rezeki yg dah lame korg tunggu. jage diri ok. xmo stress2. kite doakan semoga sumenye selamat. nmpknye aku kene simpan duit dr skrg, insyaallah.

nota kaki: moga aku pun dikurniakan rezeki yg melimpah ruah

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