sesungguhnya dah lama x jenguk blog ni. Alhamdulillah masih dipinjamkan Allah dengan nikmat untuk bernafas dan sekali lagi menjalani Ramadhan yang penuh keberkatan ini. my last post was on MH370. itu pun sikit je. but today, i decided to write again as i believed that this is something important to my family and i. secara kebetulan, post kali ini pun seperti punya kaitan dengan MH370.
dunia dikejutkan sekali lagi dengan berita gempar berkaitan dunia penerbangan dan ia melibatkan Malaysia ku yang tercinta. kalau bulan mac lepas, kami bersedih dan meratapi insiden MH370 atas dasar kemanusiaan dan simpati. kali ini keluargaku merasai apa yang waris yang terlibat dengan MH370 rasakan.
to those yang berminat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, silalah refer gambar2 di atas yang merupakan perbualan Whatsapp antara aku dan my brother yang bertugas di Bernama. yes, the perks of having a brother in the National News Agency is that you will have earlier access to breaking news he3(if he's willing to share with me and it does not involve our national security as the news people are confined to an akta-cant remember what its specific name is). we started to chit chat around 11pm 18 July 2014 about our plan to backpack to Europe. kebetulan sangat kan-Euro trip and MH17-AMS to KUL. he broke the MH17 news to me at 1136pm. and kaboom our life changed at 1230am something. the rest is history and the waiting game has now started. we are waiting and hoping that the body of Allahyarham Haji Mohd Ghafar Abu Bakar,Inflight Supervisor and the rest on board of the ill fated MH17 will be given proper burial
Insyaallah, i will update soon. in the mean time, have a blessed Ramadhan and a meaningful Syawal. dont forget to pray for those involved with the MH17's incident-victims, next of kin, family, friends, the team that was sent to Kiev, MAS and not forgetting the government of Malaysia and other countries involve.
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